Depresja a uprawianie sportu

Depression in sport

Many studies show that people who engage in regular physical activity feel better and experience lower mood less frequently. For some reason, however, we encounter anxiety and depressive symptoms more and more often among people practicing sports, both amateur and professional. It turns out that the same activity that can have a wonderful impact on…

TRE - po prostu zaufaj ciału

TRE – just trust your body

Our body knows exactly what it needs and what is best for us at the moment. You just need to trust him. We have been equipped with a mechanism that perfectly regulates our nervous system. However, we forgot that we can use it. Each TRE session gives us something different. – We will never be…

Witamina D

Why is Vitamin D so important?

Vitamin D, although underestimated over the years, affects most organs in our body. It plays an important role in the proper functioning of muscles and bones, the immune system, controls cell growth, can prevent coronary heart disease, affects skin functions, teeth, mood, and is responsible for the work of the brain. In short, it plays…

Wizualizacja w sporcie

What is visualization in sport?

In the early 1900s, researchers observed that runners, who ‘only’ thought about running during the study, had activated the same muscles that were responsible for the movement. Today we know that visualization can be used to improve results, acquire new technical skills and improve the acquired ones. It can also maintain motivation, thanks to which…