Create your own dream map

For many years I have treated my dream maps with a pinch of salt. Until I created my first map. Over the next months, I realized everything I put on it, repeatedly rubbing my eyes with amazement. From then on, I am happy to prepare another map every year. Without tension, with curiosity, confidence and…

About relations and bonds

For many years, November has been associated with relationships, back to the roots, with unhurried time spent with people we love so much and with the remembrance of those to whom we owe the fact that we are here. And although I carry them in my heart every day, this time is special in this…

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So where do you want to go?

After 2020 abounding in unexpected events and changes, I often hear that it is not worth planning, it is not worth setting goals, it is not worth dreaming, because you do not know what will happen anyway. True, you don’t know what will happen, but you never knew. Last year showed us this very painfully.…

Techniki EFT

EFT Techniques

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques – Emotional Freedom Techniques – is a holistic way of working with problems. EFT is one of the fastest developing personal development techniques in the world, it is one of the main and popular energy psychology techniques. It is simple, fast and effective (it is estimated to be 80-90% effective).…