EFT Conference:
Active stretching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuiXIwupb_s 10-minute morning stretching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wgp4lxtKj0
What is stress? Today I want to tell you about what the stress response is, why it is so important for our functioning, and how wisely it is all organized in our body. I will also tell you in what circumstances the stress response stops serving us and can contribute to the development of physical…
What makes us stressed? In the first part of the series “All this stress” I told you about what stress is, how the stress reaction works and in what circumstances we can experience difficulties related to stress. You can read the entire article “What is stress”. Now we will go a step further and…
When there is too much stress? I think most of us are very good at recognizing when there is too much stress in our lives. Usually we “just” know it or feel it. ALL CATEGORIES All This Stress(3) EFT(1) Exercises(2) Good Life(3) Health(3) Meditation(2) Psychology(19) Psychology of sport(6) QEC(1) TRE(4) I often come across statements…
Non-obvious sources of pain and ways to overcome them. I remember once in a shop I witnessed a conversation between two friends, both in their early forties. One of them complained about back pain that had been going on for months and that doctors were unable to do anything about it. The other listened to…
– There has to be another way – Dr. Melanie Salmon would repeat, returning from a day’s work at a nearby clinic, – There must be some way to help patients faster and more effectively. During her 40 years of clinical practice and 15 years as a Gestalt psychotherapist, she has met patients suffering from…