Ćwiczenia TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises)

TRE® Practices

TRE® Exercises (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) are a set of exercises that help reduce stress and tension in the body. During exercise, neurogenic tremors are triggered in the body, which are regulated by the person performing them. These tremors are a natural and innate mechanism found in all mammals. They appear in difficult situations,…

Techniki EFT

EFT Techniques

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques – Emotional Freedom Techniques – is a holistic way of working with problems. EFT is one of the fastest developing personal development techniques in the world, it is one of the main and popular energy psychology techniques. It is simple, fast and effective (it is estimated to be 80-90% effective).…

Mindfulness - trening uważności

Mindfulness training

I came across mindfulness training a few years ago when I found the book Mindfulness – Mindfulness Training *. I read it and put it on the shelf. Busy with everyday life and ticking off subsequent tasks, I did not find time to delve into his practice. I reached for the same book again four…

Pozwól sobie na relaks

#1 Allow yourself to relax

It’s 6:00, the alarm goes off, and you leap to your feet. You want to sleep a little longer, but you know you’re already late. So quickly shower, coffee,… breakfast? What is breakfast? Never mind, you’ll eat something later. You dress yourself and your children in a hurry. Why are they doing everything so slowly?…

Wytrząśnij to - ćwiczenia TRE

Shake it off – TRE exercises

I first came across TRE® while studying sports psychology. The exercises didn’t look complicated, especially for a person who spends most of his time actively.   However, with one of them, my body started shaking. “It is impossible for me to have such weak thigh muscles” – I thought, and yet my legs were flying…