You may be browsing this page out of curiosity, or perhaps because you are looking for help, understanding, or support in the difficulties you are currently experiencing. Perhaps someone close to you is in need of help, and you don’t know what best you can do in this situation. Or maybe you just need a change because your everyday life has turned gray and overwhelming. There are dozens of reasons why you are or might be here.


Psychological consultations help to look at the difficulty more broadly, sometimes from a completely different perspective, help to understand what is happening in me, in my emotions. They help to organize the topics that disturb us, soothe our thoughts and the worried body. And sometimes boldly and with power to move forward. I strongly believe that each of us is made up of a bodily, emotional and spiritual element. Therefore, I look at every element of life or difficulty that we experience holistically, combining knowledge and experience from many areas.


For many years I have been exploring the knowledge of dealing with excessive stress, anxiety and trauma. In my work, I include breathing techniques, mindfulness, meditation, the EFT / Cellular EFT and TRE® methods – exercises to relieve trauma, stress and tension retained in the body, which are used in many areas of psychological work. I also conduct mental training, which includes elements such as: building self-esteem, acceptance, self-confidence, concentration, goal setting and motivation. Psychological consultation is usually a short-term form of cooperation. Sometimes clients use one meeting, sometimes several, until they feel better. It happens that we meet once a week, sometimes every two weeks or less. Each time the schedule of meetings is set individually, depending on the possibilities and needs. I always encourage you to work regularly, even if this regularity means once every two / three weeks – I have a feeling that by working systematically we can really achieve a lot.


Psychological consultation about the child

The parent or parents ALWAYS come to the first meeting related to the child. During this meeting, we talk about the child, about the difficulties encountered, and together we make a decision on what to do next. Sometimes I refer the child to the best specialist, sometimes I ask the parent or parents to come alone (without the child) to the next meetings, and sometimes I ask for a meeting directly with the child. The most important thing for me is that both the child and the parents feel safe and comfortable during the meetings. That is why I work with great intuition and sensitivity.