Witamina D

Why is Vitamin D so important?

Vitamin D, although underestimated over the years, affects most organs in our body. It plays an important role in the proper functioning of muscles and bones, the immune system, controls cell growth, can prevent coronary heart disease, affects skin functions, teeth, mood, and is responsible for the work of the brain. In short, it plays…

Wizualizacja w sporcie

What is visualization in sport?

In the early 1900s, researchers observed that runners, who ‘only’ thought about running during the study, had activated the same muscles that were responsible for the movement. Today we know that visualization can be used to improve results, acquire new technical skills and improve the acquired ones. It can also maintain motivation, thanks to which…

Trening relaksacji

Working with excessive stress

Maybe you often feel nervous, you sleep poorly, you have a race of thoughts in your head, you sweat, you can not stand still. Your body works at high speed. You can’t focus. And what if you had the skills that would help you achieve optimal arousal, thanks to which you will be able to…